Victorian State of Disaster - Interim Approval Permitting Importers to receive and unload Containers


To our Valued Customers,

We have received advice from our industry body Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) that their advocacy has received a successful result.


We are pleased to advise that all importers have been given an ‘interim approval’ to receive and unload import containers.


This is based on the following conditions:

  • it is a requirement that employees are in possession of Permitted worker scheme permits (effective 11.59 AEST tonight, Wednesday 5 August 2020) and that warehousing and cold storage risk mitigations must be initiated in accordance with a 'High Risk COVIDSafe Plan' (effective 11.59 AEST Friday 7 August 2020); and
  • the ongoing status of the 'interim approval' is subject to further consideration in coming days.


FTA / APSA have confirmed they will continue to advocate to ensure that this ‘interim approval’ is extended for the duration of the 6 weeks ‘State of Disaster’ shut down, which will see containers continue to flow through the terminals and allow importers to service their customers.


Please contact your BRi Customer Solutions Representative, should you require more information or have any questions.


Keeping you updated,

BRi Customer Solutions Team

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