Trusted Trader Program– what it is and why it’s important for you?


The Trusted Trader Program (TTP) is currently being developed by Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS)

What is the TTP?

Many countries have in place systems similar to Australia’s proposed TTP whereby qualifying importers or exporters are treated more favourably than non-qualifying traders.

Qualification is usually based on supply chain security and a high level of compliance with Customs laws. The TTP represents a shift in the approach of Australian Customs from monitoring and enforcement to self-regulation and trust. Security standards will focus on personnel security, information security and physical security. Those who qualify for the TTP will enjoy reduced regulatory and administrative burdens while those outside of the program will be the main focus of Australian Customs’ compliance activities.

Features of the proposed program

The model currently being considered is a tiered system:

  1. Paper based assessment and minor trade facilitation benefits
  2. Approved security measures and easier access to benefits
  3. Best industry practice. Same as tier two plus additional benefits

When will it come to place?

The program is currently being developed with intention for a proposal put to Government for review in early 2015 – initial implementation later that year.

Is this relevant to my business?

  • For exporters the promise of mutual recognition means quicker clearance and less checks where the exporter is a member of a trusted trader or similar program.
  • For importers, the benefits will depend on whether you pay significant duty and the extent to which you currently experience delays in clearing goods or otherwise dealing with Australian Customs.

What should I be doing now?

Importers and exporters should now be:

  • Assessing whether their past imports and exports are fully compliant
  • Where there is doubt regarding compliance, considering obtaining rulings from Australian Customs
  • If compliance issues are identified, seeking advice regarding voluntarily disclosure
  • Review systems in place to ensure the security of each: goods, personnel and data relating to international transactions.

This entry was posted in Public News on by Aaron Poole.

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